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Hi, I’m Ebrahim, and this is my design studio!

I’m 18, in my 4th Year at UBC studying Engineering Physics. Ex. silicon @Apple and @Tesla.

I love ASIC/FPGA design, computer hardware, AI, HLS, electrical circuits, and more; currently learning about applied math, physics, hardware design, machine learning, and more.

Here I show where it all comes together, and bring visions to reality.

3mm x 3mm 2-Channel Small-Signal ADC

Closed-loop motor speed controller

Zynq 7010 FPGA->CPU BRAM Block Design

tr-ARPES XUV setup

SR780 Bandpass Measurement

My ENPH 253 team's robot speeding through turns

Wireless Energy Transfer

3mm x 3mm 2-Channel Small-Signal ADC

Closed-loop motor speed controller

Zynq 7010 FPGA->CPU BRAM Block Design

tr-ARPES XUV setup

SR780 Bandpass Measurement

My ENPH 253 team's robot speeding through turns

Wireless Energy Transfer

MC34700 Power Supply

Zynq 7010 FPGA XADC Block Design

ENPH 253 Robot Lap

Thermodynamic Joule-Thomson Simulation Results

Unity Neuroscience Game Playthrough

Improved 8-Bit Computer

ENPH 353 Robot Run

MC34700 Power Supply

Zynq 7010 FPGA XADC Block Design

ENPH 253 Robot Lap

Thermodynamic Joule-Thomson Simulation Results

Unity Neuroscience Game Playthrough

Improved 8-Bit Computer

ENPH 353 Robot Run